WE EXIST TO SEE ALL PEOPLE FIND HOPE, HEALING AND WHOLENESS THROUGH JESUS CHRISTPastor Helen’s Weekly Scripture Jeremiah 1:4-10 Luke 4:21-30NEW LENTEN STUDY TIME OFFEREDPastor Helen will begin to offer a nightly Bible Study on February 19 with a discussion about Lent. Then the group will share in the 40 day devotional reading called 24 Hours that Changed the World.This gathering will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. and end before Choir starts at 7pm.Wed morning and night groups will be covering the same material.The Seekers Sunday School Class is starting a new 12-week study called The Parables of Jesus by Douglas Sean O’Donnell. Books are available. Join us! We meet in the parlor every Sunday 9:45-10:30. If you are in the choir and need to leave by 10:15, that’s ok! Contact Tom Woods with questions! All are welcome! The Missions team invites you to celebrate our Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner on March 4th, 4:30 to 6:30 in the Family Life Center. Bring your family! Bring your friends! Lets eat lots of pancakes!! Donations will be accepted to support our missions outreach programs. THIS WEEK AT STOUT*Sunday, February 28:45am Contemporary Worship9:45am Sunday School10:45am Traditional Worship*Monday, February 36:30 Cub Scouts7 pm Troop 127 pm Girl Scouts *Tuesday, February 4*Wednesday, February 510:00 am Bible Study11:15 Lunch With Friends7:00pm Chancel Choir*Thursday, February 6It is Sarah Sisson’s b-day today!5:30 Rvr Valley Soccer*Friday, February 7 *Saturday, February 8 **COMING SOON**February 9 — Scout Sunday — all former Scouts and Leaders invitedMarch 4— Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner May 2-3 — UWF Yard SaleMEMBERS AT HOME AND IN NURSING HOMESStarting this Tuesday through February 11th, ‘Valentine’s Bags will be available for your cards and small gifts. This ministry is so appreciated by our member at home and in nursing homes. Please help them know how loved and cherished they are! If you can help delivering, contact Susan Woods.ANNOUNCEMENTS SCOUTINGIt’s Girl Scout Cookie time! Order by Feb 7 for delivery in March. Choose from Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Lemon-Ups, Trefoils, S'mores, Adventurefuls, and gluten free Toffee Tastic. $6/box. The girls will be in the gathering space on most Sunday mornings collecting orders, but if we miss you, please text or call Jen Floyd at 304-679-7012 with an order. Online ordering and payment is available; https://digitalcookie.girlscouts.org/scout/anna980884 The Girl Scouts thank you for your continuing support! A note from one of our Shut-ins:What a joyous surprise to have Nancy Sams visit us bringing all of your delicious treats and cards of well wishes. Joyce does not get out much so she was delighted to read so many of your names. We are hopeful that we will be able to join you for worship soon. Thank you for your kindness, Joyce & Leon Okes HEADS UP! YARD SALE!! The United Women of Faith yard sale will be on May 2-3! Start saving items now for drop off April 28-May 1. More details to come! Want to help? We’d love to have you! Reach out to Debby Matheny or Juli Cramer for details. Prayer ListHarold Bumgarner, Delaney, JudahNoah MancusoJim MunchmeyerCharlotte BeeCheri SpringstonJoyce OkesPhyllis HamiltonSherry BargelohJack Ryder ShuttsRev. John RuehlRev. Chrissy RuehlJill ShafferKaren FossRosalie MahoneyDr. Scott Strickler (loss of mother)Dick Sams familyContinued Prayer ListMarkai & FamilyDebbie BackusCarolyn CalhounCarleton ChidesterDwight DavisPatsy FlensborgGretchen Fleming Pastor’s Helen Contact InfoYou can contact Pastor Helen on her cell phone at 304-237-2735. Her email is rachael40@aol.com Office volunteer for this week February 6Thursday — Robin Ottis StempleWith Michaela in the Front Office, it was decided a volunteer was needed more on Thursdays.Thank you to all our volunteersStout Memorial United Methodist Church3329 Broad Street, Parkersburg, WV 26104stoutmemorial@gmail.comwww.Facebook.com/StoutMemorialYoutube.com/@stoutmemorialumcwww.StoutMemorial.org