Day 3 - Seven Proclamations: The Tapestry of Relationship

Seven Powerful Proclamations of Jesus on The Cross Devotional

By Rev. Myk Alba | March 27, 2024
Day 3: The Tapestry of Relationship
Jesus’ words on the cross were Words of Relationship.

John 19:26–27: Woman, behold thy son. (Says to disciple) Behold thy mother.

Because of the finished work on The Cross, We can proclaim the Words of Jesus from The Cross over our life and affirming that We have a restored relationship! 
The Bond of New Beginnings
As we draw near to the Cross, a symbol of suffering and salvation, we encounter a tender exchange, a moment of profound relational depth. Jesus, amidst His own agony, establishes a bond between His mother and His beloved disciple, saying, "Woman, behold thy son... Behold thy mother."
This poignant scene is not just an act of care for His earthly mother, but a powerful illustration of the new relationships formed in the shadow of the Cross. It speaks to the heart of God's desire for us—not only to be reconciled to Him but to one another.
Proclaiming Jesus' Words of Relationship Over Our Lives
The words of Jesus invite us to view our relationships through the lens of the Cross, where love is selfless, sacrifice is the norm, and every interaction is infused with grace. In proclaiming "Behold thy son... Behold thy mother," we recognize the call to see each other as family, bound not by blood but by the love of Christ.
Let us affirm this new identity with conviction. In Christ, we find not only a Savior but a family of believers. Our relationships are transformed, renewed, and redefined. We are brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers in faith.
Affirmation of Restored Relationship
Today, we affirm the restoration of relationships that the Cross signifies. We celebrate the unity and love that it brings into our lives, breaking down walls and building bridges. We acknowledge that we are called to love as Jesus loved, to serve as He served, and to foster relationships that reflect His grace.
As we carry this affirmation, let us mend what has been broken, reach out to what has been distant, and cherish the fellowship we have in the family of God. For in this divine tapestry, each thread is precious, each connection is purposeful.
Prayer for Relational Healing
Gracious God,
We thank You for the Cross, where Jesus not only secured our salvation but also modeled the depth of relational love. Help us to embody this love in our lives, to see each person as You see them, and to form bonds that reflect Your kingdom. In our interactions, let us remember the words "Behold thy son... Behold thy mother," and let this remembrance guide us to build Your family on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
As you step forward from this time of devotion, may you carry with you the assurance of restored relationships through the Cross. Let Jesus' words resonate within you, drawing you closer to others, and knitting you more tightly into the family of God. May your relationships be a living testimony to the reconciling work of the Cross. 
As we fast and pray, may these devotionals for the next seven days bring us into an awesome wonder of Jesus, Our Lord, God, and King!
The Seven Powerful Proclamations of Jesus on The Cross:

Luke 23:34: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Luke 23:43: Verily, I say unto you today, thou shalt be with me in paradise.

John 19:26–27: Woman, behold thy son. (Says to disciple) Behold thy mother.
Mark 15:34: My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

John 19:28: I thirst.

John 19:30: It is finished.

Day 7: The Promise of Eternity
Luke 23:46: Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.

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