Day 4 - Seven Proclamations: Never Forsaken

Seven Powerful Proclamations of Jesus on The Cross Devotional

By Rev. Myk Alba | March 28, 2024
Day 4: Never Forsaken
Jesus’ words on the cross were Words of Abandonment. 
Mark 15:34: My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

Because of the finished work on The Cross, We can proclaim the Words of Jesus from The Cross over our life and affirming that… We are not abandoned!

Embracing the Presence in Absence
In the stillness of our hearts, let us contemplate the Cross, where pain and divine purpose intersect. Amidst the darkness that fell over the land, Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" In this cry of desolation, we hear the depth of human suffering met with divine silence.

These words articulate the profound mystery of abandonment that Jesus experienced on our behalf. Yet, they also serve as a beacon of hope, for it is in His forsakenness that we find our acceptance, in His desolation that we discover our companionship with God.

Proclaiming Jesus' Victory Over Abandonment
Jesus' cry from the Cross becomes a testament to the fullness of His humanity and the reality that He has entered into every aspect of our human experience. As we affirm His words over our lives, we proclaim that, because He was forsaken, we will never be. The silence of God met with the sacrifice of the Son ensures our eternal embrace.

In the echo of Jesus' words, we find the strength to face our own moments of feeling forsaken. We can stand firm in the assurance that we are not abandoned, for the Cross is the ultimate expression of God's nearness, not His distance.

Affirmation of Divine Presence
Today, and every day, let us affirm with confidence: We are not abandoned. Though we may face trials, though shadows may fall, the light of the Cross reveals the constant presence of God. In every cry of our hearts, in every tear we shed, we are held, we are heard, we are loved.

We affirm that our feelings of abandonment are met with the reality of God's unfailing presence. We are not alone; we never have been, and we never will be. The Cross stands as an enduring reminder of this truth.

Prayer of Assurance
Dear God,
In the mystery of the Cross, where Jesus felt forsaken, we find the assurance of Your presence. Help us to hold fast to this truth in our darkest hours. May we remember that Jesus' cry of abandonment secured for us an eternal companionship with You. When we feel alone, remind us that we are forever enveloped in Your love. Amen.

Carry this devotion with you as a reminder of the enduring presence of God, especially in times when you may feel forsaken. May the words "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" not be a question that lingers, but an affirmation that because Jesus was forsaken, we are forever held in the arms of the Divine.
As we fast and pray, may these devotionals for the next seven days bring us into an awesome wonder of Jesus, Our Lord, God, and King!
The Seven Powerful Proclamations of Jesus on The Cross:

Luke 23:34: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Luke 23:43: Verily, I say unto you today, thou shalt be with me in paradise.

John 19:26–27: Woman, behold thy son. (Says to disciple) Behold thy mother.
Mark 15:34: My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

John 19:28: I thirst.

John 19:30: It is finished.

Day 7: The Promise of Eternity
Luke 23:46: Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.

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