Day 5 - Seven Proclamations: Quenched by His Sacrifice

Seven Powerful Proclamations of Jesus on The Cross Devotional

By Rev. Myk Alba | March 29, 2024
Day 5: Quenched by His Sacrifice
Jesus’ words on the cross were Words of Distress. 
John 19:28: I thirst.

Because of the finished work on The Cross, We can proclaim the Words of Jesus from The Cross over our life and affirming that… We will not be in distress and never thirst!
The Humanity of Jesus
In the solemn quiet of our souls, let us draw near to the foot of the Cross, a place of immense suffering and infinite love. There, in a moment of raw humanity, Jesus expressed a fundamental need: "I thirst." These words of distress, spoken in vulnerability, remind us that He experienced the fullness of human suffering.
As we reflect on Jesus' expression of physical thirst, we are invited to ponder the deeper spiritual thirst that every human heart experiences—a longing for something more, something beyond ourselves.
Proclaiming Jesus' Fulfillment Over Our Thirst
With gratitude, we recall the finished work on the Cross, where Jesus’ declaration of thirst becomes the spring from which our deepest spiritual needs are satisfied. By His suffering, we are invited to the wellsprings of eternal life, where our thirst for purpose, peace, and presence is forever quenched.
In proclaiming the words of Jesus over our life, we affirm that our distress is met with His comfort, our emptiness with His fullness. We declare that in Him, we will never thirst for the living water that sustains our souls is plentiful at His table.
Affirmation of Everlasting Satisfaction
Today, let us affirm with certainty: In Christ, we will not be in distress and never thirst. Our spiritual longing is met with His everlasting love, our existential drought with His never-ending grace. His words, "I thirst," remind us that He has provided for every need, even the deepest desires of our hearts.
Let us drink deeply from the living water Christ offers, knowing that it is His sacrifice that fills us. Our affirmation is not in vain; it is backed by the promise that those who come to Him will never thirst again.
Prayer for Sustenance
Lord Jesus,
We come before You, recognizing our own thirst, and recalling Your cry, "I thirst." In Your thirst, You identified with our deepest needs and, through Your sacrifice, provided the answer. May we find our satisfaction in You, and in the living water You offer, may we find rest for our souls. Help us to trust in Your provision, and in times of distress, remind us that You are the source of all comfort. Amen.
As you carry this devotional with you, may you be reminded of the refreshing presence of Jesus in your life. May His words, "I thirst," continually remind you that your every need—both physical and spiritual—has been met through His work on the Cross. You are sustained, you are filled, you are never alone. 
As we fast and pray, may these devotionals for the next seven days bring us into an awesome wonder of Jesus, Our Lord, God, and King!
The Seven Powerful Proclamations of Jesus on The Cross:

Luke 23:34: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Luke 23:43: Verily, I say unto you today, thou shalt be with me in paradise.

John 19:26–27: Woman, behold thy son. (Says to disciple) Behold thy mother.
Mark 15:34: My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

John 19:28: I thirst.

John 19:30: It is finished.

Day 7: The Promise of Eternity
Luke 23:46: Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.

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